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Vulcanic crater / Vulkankrater | Kerid in winter in Iceland / Kerid im WInter in Island - Realized with Pictrs.comVulcanic crater / Vulkankrater | Kerid in winter in Iceland / Kerid im WInter in Island - Realized with Pictrs.comVulkanischer Schnauzer | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comKunstvolle Matschblasen | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comKunstvolle Matschblasen | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comMatschdelfin | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGesicht | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGelber Bakterienteppich | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGrüner Bakterienteppich | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comWasserkreise | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGrüner Bakterienteppich | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comWasserkreise | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comLachendes Gesicht | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGrand Prismatic Spring | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comGrand Prosmatic Spring | Midway Geyser Basin - Realized with Pictrs.comLeuchtende Farben des Grand Prismatic Spring | Grand Prismatic Spring von oben - Realized with Pictrs.comImperial Geyser | Imperial Geyser mit Abfluss - Realized with Pictrs.comImperial Geyser | Stefanie Stiller Photography & Design - Realized with Pictrs.comClepsydra Geyser | Clepsydra Geyser in den Fountain Paint Pots - Realized with